Playful Learning

Children are naturally curious, inquisitive and playful. There is a reason for this is how they learn. We believe in embracing and harnessing children's creativity, taking playful learning experiences to a new level through careful planning and facilitation. Eklavya Public School will educate students to excel, prepare to compete, inspire to serve, and challenge to lead.

Process & Product

At Eklavya Public School we believe that the process of learning is as important as the product. By this we mean that the way a child went about drawing a picture is as valuable as the picture itself. We involve children in the process of learning and encourage them to be active participants in their journey.


A mastery curriculum enables children to have such an indepth and thorough understanding of key learning concepts that they can confidently apply their knowledge and skills to a wide range of situations and problems. We also call this deep learning. Mastery takes time! At EPS we will not rush through schemes of work or teach too much and too fast! A holistic education is a craft and if its worth doing its worth doing properly.

Values Moral Education

Our holistic curriculum includes supporting children by offering a moral guide as they grow and develop. Our school focuses on inculcating values that will help children fully engage in a loving community.

Whole School Approach

Whole school approach makes learning more memorable, exciting and playful. The whole school studies the same topic with increasingly challenging objectives in each year group. Each whole school topic is carefully planned to ensure children experience a wide range of activities, receive direct teaching of subject specific disciplines and have opportunities to practice and master new skills.


At EPS, school curriculum is our absolute passion, We believe in offering a world class curriculum in a small town school. We have spent days, weeks, months and years perfecting a curriculum and philosophy that ensures the highest academic results and keeps children at its heart.